The final day of the Joy of Giving Week, and we share with you a story that captures the essence and spirit of the week; a story of joyous and wholehearted giving, of expressing thanks. Mr.Sridhar and his family decided to express their thanks to the autodriver who had ferried the former's daughter to school. They invited the autodriver and his family home and besides serving them a sumptous lunch, also gave them some gifts. The smiles on the faces of the autodrivers children as they receive the gifts, says it all; the surprise, the pleasure, the joy.
These stories of ordinary citizens going out of their way to spread joy in the lives of others, are an inspiration for us. They speak to us of sharing and caring, of walking that extra mile to bring a smile to another's face, make other lives a little easier, by helping them carry their burdens. In the days to come, we look forward to more participants write in with their stories of joy and hope, and we will feature them on this blog, so that we may all learn to inspire, to share, to give and to thank.
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