Can we visualise a scenario where India will be garbage free ? Difficult for most of us but if all of us come together and decide to clean up on a single day then we can definitely start moving towards a cleaner India. This is not an impossible task but can be made possible, with the help of strong motivators, who inspire collective action.
This is what happened in Estonia last year which had a nation wide campaign 'Teeme ara' or a 'Let's Do It' drive that saw around 40,000 volunteers turn up on a single day to clean up the country.
"Clean-up campaign "Teeme ära!" (Let's Do It!) was led by one of the Skype inventors, Ahti Heinla, and the founder of Microlink and Delfi, Rainer Nõlvak, who used own-created innovative software based on Google Earth, positioning software for mobile phones and mobile phones with GPS to map and take images of illegal garbage dumps across the country. With the help of volunteers, they mapped more than 3000 illegal waste dumping sites. At the end of May 3rd a huge part of it was gathered and transported to waste collection centers" (Maigi's blog)
Here's a video of the drive.
A movement like this is what the Joy of Giving Week is aiming at. Collective action that will enable us to move forward as a nation towards a better and more joyous life. If we can come together we could surely move mountains, but even as individuals, let us start shifting pebbles so one day we move the mountain. Let us resolve to give for the joy of others.
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